When I was 39 years old, I was diagnosed with celiac disease. While it was wonderful to finally know why I had been sick for so long, I was reeling. I have to be honest - gluten free food has a reputation of being gross. And, I LOVE GOOD FOOD. One of my hobbies had been checking out the newest restaurants. At first, my husband, Cedric, and I continued to try different restaurants, but all too often I would get sick because of cross-contamination. We stopped eating out, and Cedric returned his passion for cooking. Soon, he was making amazing dishes and no one missed the gluten.
Luckily, my husband is an amazing cook and created lots dishes, but I still missed eating out. Our experience got us thinking. I was afraid to eat out because I might get sick. I couldn't imagine what someone with nut allergies felt like - unable to go out with family or friends because cross-contamination could kill them.
From there, 1 Smokery Pl. was born. We are here to shatter the stereotype that gluten free food is gross. We serve smoked meats and veggie dishes that will make your tastebuds dance - where people can confidently eat knowing they won't get cross-contaminated.
Check us out! I promise you won't miss the gluten!
~ Stacie
